Fast Forward Group Coach Kat

Katayoun “Kat” is a Fast Forward Group Executive Coach and speaker specializing in helping women achieve the next level of success and career fulfillment. She brings 25+ years of experience in Human Resources, recruitment, Learning, Leadership and development, and Business Operations working with Fortune 500 companies, including running Global Learning, Leadership, and Development at Yahoo!, to her coaching practice. She speaks on career advancement, executive presence, and leadership.

As a minority woman, she immigrated to Los Angeles from Iran as a child without knowing a single word of English. She climbed to the top of her career path in a male-dominated industry. This experience inspired her to help support and empower other women.

Her holistic approach to coaching focuses on the whole self. Emotional intelligence and human behavior principles are the foundation of her programs. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and is certified in coaching by the preeminent Co-Active Training Institute. She’s also accredited by and a member of the International Coaching Federation.