Aliucha is an Executive Coach with the Fast Forward Group. She is a multilingual, certified professional coach with more than 18 years of leadership experience as a global marketing executive in Fortune 100 companies.
Focusing on emotional intelligence and agility, Aliucha helps leaders expand their perspectives and shift their mindset to meet evolving expectations in their workplace, unveiling blind spots and creating sustained transformation.
Aliucha has an acute knowledge of marketing skills, global organizations, developing countries (Latin America and Asia), and management savviness, as well as a proven ability to lead and deliver results in highly complex and changing environments.
Working across multiple industries including Consumer Goods, Pharmaceutical, Media & Advertising, Financial Services, Retail, and Technology, Aliucha serves C-suite, VP’s, Directors, and Managers. Her strengths include her whole person transformative approach, depth, and ability for big picture thinking.
Aliucha holds a Bachelor’s in Business, (PUC/RJ Brazil), a Master’s in Jungian Psychology, (IBMR RJ Brazil), as well as an MBA in Management, (Coppead RJ Brazil)
Her certifications include PCC (International Coach Federation), CPCC (The Co-Active Training Institute), Organization & Relationship Systems at work/Group Coaching (CRR Global), Emotional Intelligence, Conversational Intelligence Practitioner (Creating We Institute), and Personality Inventory HPI – Hogan Certified
Aliucha speaks English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese and has lived in Europe, North and South America. She has traveled extensively through 6 continents and practices yoga to maintain her balance.